Project Description

90-1 BlueEye Classroom | RedZinc Services

Classroom for remote interactive medical education and training

BlueEye Classroom facilitates live demonstration of a medical action or procedure, as performed by a medical professor, to a group of remote students via wearable video platform comprising a lightweight wearable camera and cloud-based video platform.

The wearable video solution supports an interactive and collaborative learning environment while facilitating ‘You see what I see’ view of the medical procedure to many students.


Why BlueEye Classroom?

Medical training often requires live demonstration of a medical action or procedure which requires a teaching professor and a group of students or trainee doctors in a hospital. Groups of medical students and colleagues in hospitals present numerous challenges such as:

  • Contagion risks
  • Difficulties in accommodating large groups in small hospital rooms
  • Disturbance and inconvenience to the patients or other hospital staff
  • Unsatisfactory view of the procedure for the students

BlueEye Classroom addresses these challenges by offering a wearable, portable headset with integrated HD camera for capturing live video and a cloud-based web portal for live video streaming and remote access.

Key Features of BlueEye Classroom

How It Works

Teaching Doctor Wears Headset

The teaching doctor wears the camera headset near their temple while performing a medical procedure.

Live Video Streams

The camera captures the live video and sends to the cloud-based web portal.

Students/Trainees Receive Video

The remote students/ trainee doctors access the live video using any browser on their laptop, mobile or tablet.

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Key Outcomes

  • Facilitates live demonstration of a medical procedure to a group of students situated at a remote location

  • Facilitates live demonstration of a medical procedure to a group of students situated at a remote location

  • Eliminates the need for travel by the students, resulting in savings on cost and time

  • Supports delivery of quality education and training to the students

  • Supports delivery of quality education and training to the students

  • Mitigates the challenges associated with gathering of many students at one place

  • Supports two-way audio communication between the students and the professor for optimum tuition

What Our Customers Say

“The pandemic has challenged medical education. Group settings and ward rounds are problematic. BlueEye provides a promising solution.”

oulu-1-150x150 BlueEye Classroom | RedZinc ServicesOulu University Hospital

Secure Data

BlueEye solutions comply with the GDPR and Data Protections regulations. All BlueEye video calls are AES-256 encrypted. BlueEye uses TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 and is always updated with secure cyphers only.
RedZinc is committed to perform regular Penetration Testing to provide fully secure solutions.

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