RedZinc’s innovative telehealth solutions include video consultation browser software, 4G/5G enabled mobile live video camera with integrated platform, emergency call centre video communications, remote sensors and home hospital services. BlueEye is a cutting-edge cloud-based platform facilitating video communications and remote monitoring of patients for healthcare providers, connected paramedics, emergency services and community nurses.

RedZinc’s mission is to lead digital transformation in healthcare, improve patient outcomes, accelerate healthcare efficiencies and reduce healthcare costs.

RedZinc specialises in wearable video camera and a web portal to manage real-time video streaming and remote access for healthcare and other industries.

RedZinc’s managed video platform, BlueEye, is suitable for clinicians, emergency doctors, paramedics, telemaintenance and public safety.

Our BlueEye platform enables clinics and hospitals to deliver high quality care to patients which results in better patients outcomes, increased efficiencies and reduced operational costs.

Live streamed video permits a specialist to see patients or situations remotely, enabling early critical care.

RedZinc technology also enables service providers to deliver and charge for applications requiring data prioritisation across Public Internet with QoS (quality of service).

Outpatient Clinics
Consultations to Date
Calls Per Week

Our Vision & Values

RedZinc’s vision is to bring mobile telemedicine into a new era to improve the lives of patients and healthcare professionals while enhancing operational efficiencies.

RedZinc’s vision is in line with the European Union’s Research and Innovation Programme goals to secure Europe’s global competitiveness, through research and innovation and tackle societal challenges, such as escalating costs of healthcare in an ageing population. To this end, RedZinc has participated in or managed European wide research projects with the goal of advancing eHealth applications and network technology in order to provide innovative and specialized applications such as real-time video communications and wearable video.

This extensive research and development has been in the areas of 5G networks, Quality of Service, network slicing and software defined networks.

It has resulted in advanced technologies and new products in telemedicine and real time video communications

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Our Vision & Values

CoreValuesTemplate-Recovered-3 About Us | RedZinc Services

RedZinc’s vision is to bring mobile telemedicine into a new era to improve the lives of patients and healthcare professionals while enhancing operational efficiencies.

RedZinc’s vision is in line with the European Union’s Research and Innovation Programme goals to secure Europe’s global competitiveness, through research and innovation and tackle societal challenges, such as escalating costs of healthcare in an ageing population. To this end, RedZinc has participated in or managed European wide research projects with the goal of advancing eHealth applications and network technology in order to provide innovative and specialized applications such as real-time video communications and wearable video.

This extensive research and development has been in the areas of 5G networks, Quality of Service, network slicing and software defined networks.

It has resulted in advanced technologies and new products in telemedicine and real time video communications

Our International Presence

Celtic-Next Health 5G Project – Innovative clinical pilots

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RedZinc played an active part in the Health 5G Celtic Next Eureka Cluster project from 2020 to 2021, piloting 3 new clinical uses of mobile video telemedicine across Sweden, Germany, and Turkey.


HEALTH-5G is a pan European collaborative project for new 5G health applications, Emerging network technologies, including the next generation mobile technology (5G), will form the backbone of future healthcare digital transformation. 5G is a key enabling technology for the Internet of Things, Smart Pharmaceuticals, and Individualized Medicine. The aim of our project is to identify novel use cases of eHealth that take advantage of 5G capabilities, study and develop 5G enablers for the use cases, develop and validate actual eHealth solutions in real environments and real 5G test networks, and disseminate and exploit the results.


The aim of HEALTH-5G project is to refine the scenarios and use cases during the project together with partners to increase the societal, business, and scientific impacts of the project. RedZinc was invited into the HEALTH5G project because of our innovative health care applications for 5G.


RedZinc has used the project support to expand our business in Sweden, Germany, and Turkey. RedZinc delivered 3 showcases and pilots in these countries. As a result of the project, we gained insights into 3 new clinical use cases for mobile video telemedicine (i) use of mobile video telemedicine for out of hours nurse support for frail elderly in Sweden; (ii) use of mobile video telemedicine for cardio ultrasound teaching in Germany; (iii) use of mobile video telemedicine for earthquake disaster recovery in Turkey. Based in pilot feedback from prospective customers in the project we have evolved our software real time video stack in terms of features, stability and robustness. We have developed new cameras based on partner feedback. We are appreciative of Enterprise Ireland and Dublin City Council LEO for support and encouragement to deliver on the project and achieve these results.

The company received support from Dublin City Council Local Enterprise Office (LEO) and Enterprise Ireland Agile project support.

Learn more about Health 5G project.

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5G Heart – Innovative digital use cases in healthcare, transport & aquaculture

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5G-HEART is a €14.3m EU funded public private private partnership project for new 5G use cases. The project bid was co-lead by RedZinc, Telenor, Philips and VTT. RedZinc has a contract with the 5GHEART project to deliver pilots based on wearable video in Norway, Finland and Netherlands.

Wearable video for Emergency Services, Netherlands

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Today the medical manager can provide ‘voice only’ support to the paramedic with the remote patient.

In this use case, the ‘in-field’ paramedics used BlueEye wearable video to send real-time point-of-view video and vital patient data to remote medical manager for support and consultation.


At the end of the pilot, it was concluded that real-time point-of-view video and vital patient data significantly improves remote patient assessment. During the pilot, the medical manager said

“Ambulance services are striving for higher quality and impact in pre-hospital healthcare, preferably with more efficiency. We wish to progressively improve pre-hospital triage, so it is important to make correct and timely decisions. These results are a promising start to help us get there.”

Watch pilot video for more details.

Pilot Video

Wearable video for Medical education, Finland

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For Oulu University Hospital, medical education had stalled due to COVID-19 pandemic. Oulu Hospital used BlueEye Wearable Video to deliver paediatrics bedside tutorials to remote students via real-time point-of-view video facilitated by BlueEye Handsfree.


BlueEye enables Oulu University Hospital to deliver medical tutorials to remote students. In a survey, more than 80% students out of 27 participants voted that teaching with BlueEye wearable video could partly or wholly replace traditional face-to-face teaching. During the pilot, a medical professor said

“Pandemic has challenged the medical education as traditional bedside sessions and direct patient contacts need to be minimised. Group sessions and ward rounds are problematic in hospitals. New technologies like real-time wearable video system provide promising solution and provide high quality patient centric education”

Watch pilot video for more details.

Pilot video

Wearable video for Urban Search and Rescue, Norway

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Oslo Ambulance service identified several use cases where BlueEye Wearable Video could help including situational assessment for Urban Search and Rescue (USAR), check list management for hazard management, single vehicle paramedic support, oncology support, special needs support, pain relieve drug support.


The pilot run on Urban Search & Rescue use case has concluded successfully. BlueEye wearable video enabled the remote incident commander to immerse themselves in the situation. This enhanced their situational awareness and optimised decision making. Also, real-time support from remote commander increased the searcher’s confidence.

One of the incident commanders during the pilot said

“The use of video is the future. I was able to comprehend the situation from home”

Watch pilot video or read white paper for more details.

Pilot Video

Meet The Team

t10 About Us | RedZinc Services
Donal is the founder and CEO of RedZinc. He has extensive experience in developing end-to-end quality of…

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t11 About Us | RedZinc Services
Terry O’Callaghan brings over 30 years of telecoms and electronics experience to RedZinc. His experience as…

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1 About Us | RedZinc Services
Ricardo helped design and oversee development of RedZinc’s video platform range of products, Blue-Eye ….

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t15 About Us | RedZinc Services
Jeanne Louise is the Director of Marketing, responsible for all aspects of RedZinc’s marketing, including…

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t12 About Us | RedZinc Services
Lalit is a marketing specialist at RedZinc, overseeing lead generation campaigns and company branding…

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6 About Us | RedZinc Services
Matheus has been involved in creating BlueEye video platform through developing control drivers…
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3-2 About Us | RedZinc Services
Rogerio is a software Engineer who has helped to develop BlueEye video platform, developing drivers…

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12 About Us | RedZinc Services
Nilima at RedZinc is responsible for software testing for BlueEye video platform. She is a dynamic professional…

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10 About Us | RedZinc Services
Renato is a software engineer working on Redzinc products. Backend specialist, he has extensive experience…

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Dipti-Dey-May-2023-e1683803844452 About Us | RedZinc Services
Dipti is a seasoned software testing professional with over 8 years of experience in the IT field. She has extensive experience in…

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Dani-e1693902442173-256x300 About Us | RedZinc Services
Dani is a part of our support engineering team. He is a dedicated professional whose academic background…
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Sean-e1695226563470-257x300 About Us | RedZinc Services
Sean has extensive experience providing software solutions to the healthcare industry, especially the….
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