Feria-de-Malaga-2017-213x300 The police in Spain are to wear BlueEye for realtime video streaming at Feria de Málaga | RedZinc Services

MALAGA, SPAIN – August 2017

BlueEye wearable video technology from RedZinc is to be used for the first time to help police monitor the crowds at the Féria de Malaga in Spain. Police will wear the shoulder-mounted video camera to assist with safety and crowd control in Malaga during the festival. The real-time stream of video and audio information from the police video camera is relayed back to the police command centre.

Typically, the police use fixed video cameras in particular locations for surveillance. Mobile streaming video footage is extremely helpful in deciding where to bring back-up to a situation. Having police personnel with a mobile video camera focused on the issue, optimizes police response time.

BlueEye offers the following benefits:

  • Live streaming from a public safety hotspot means an immediate response
  • Wearable video technology gives control and security to the police on the street
  • Useful in crowds or in emergency situations, BlueEye audio and video can bring the expertise or backup response to the situation
  • The police commander can receive visual signals about scale and severity of a situation and deploy response accordingly.

RedZinc provides wearable video technology for first responders and elemaintenance purposes. The MORSE lab in UMA, Malaga, provides the lab conditions and testing of this innovative technology on the 4G radio network and reducing delay for 5G network design. Eurecom, in Sophia Antipolis France provide open source hardware, Open Air Interface for 4G radio network, experimenting with prioritisation on the radio network.
This is part of an EU funded project called Q4Health, project number 688624.
Read this article in Spanish