Outpatient Video Consultation

The congested outpatient clinics while increasing patient waiting time, also increase the overhead costs and work load of the clinic staff. In some cases, the patients have to travel long distances for non-life threatening consultations. Additionally, the outpatient clinics have limited accessibility due to geographic limitations and the patients get exposed to the risk of catching contagious diseases when they visit clinics.

BlueEye Clinic addresses these challenges via the virtual or remote video consultation option. The real-time video consultation platform enables the healthcare professionals to book, manage and conduct virtual appointments with their patients remotely via video calls.

Key Benefits

  • Reduces patient waiting time resulting in improved patient satisfaction and convenience

  • Mitigates the need for patient/ healthcare professional travel resulting in time-cost savings

  • Improves clinic accessibility as virtual consultations can be conducted from anywhere, anytime

  • Improves clinic efficiency by reducing clinic congestion and saving overhead costs

  • Eliminates contagion risk for the patients

Instant connection for the patients via single click on a secure link

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Manage your Calendar, Share Screen, Chat, Make Multi-party calls

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